中信重工开诚智能装备有限公司CITIC HIC Kaicheng Intelligence Equipment Co., Ltd.电话/传真:Telephone/Fax:0315-3208350-0地址/邮编:Address/Zip code河北唐山国家高新技术产业开发区火炬路183号No.183 Huoju Road National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone Tangshan,Hebei关注智能科技 守护生命安全中信重工开诚智能装备有限公司是中信集团下属中信重工(股票代码:601608)的控股子公司。公司始于1991 年,前身为唐山开诚电控设备集团有限公司,是国内知名的集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的智能装备制造企业。拥有特种机器人、矿山传动及自动化两大产业300 余种产品,覆盖消防、应急救援、反恐、军工、矿山、石油石化、电力、海工作业、铁路、城市综合管廊等众多领域。其中20 余项产品为国内首创,拥有190 余项关键技术专利、20 余项软件著作权、国家级特种机器人实验室、国家企业技术中心、院士工作站。中信重工开诚智能是国内最早进入特种机器人研制领域的企业之一,通过十余年的自主研发,公司已拥有30 余种特种机器人产品,多项核心技术拥有先发优势,目前已成为中国最具竞争力的特种机器人产业基地。在《2017中国机器人产业发展报告》中,中信重工开诚智能获评为“中国智能特种机器人产业第一梯队首家企业”。公司坚持以自动化为永久课题,坚持自主创新、持续创新,坚持“共同发展、共同富裕”,努力打造中国最具核心竞争力的智能装备领军企业!CITIC HIC Kaicheng Intelligence Equipment Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of CITIC Heavy Industries Company Ltd (Stock Code: 601608), a part of the CITIC Group. The company began in 1991 under the name of TangshanKaicheng Electronic Control & Equipment Group Co., Ltd. It is now a famous intelligent equipment manufacturingenterprise inChinathat covers R&D, production, sales and service. The company has developed 2 series products:special robots and mining electrical equipment, more than 300 kinds of products. The products cover theapplication of firefighting, rescuing, mines, petrochemical industry, electricity, marine work, subway, utility tunnelAnd many other fields.The company holds more than 200 key technology patents and over 20 software copyright, and runs the nationalspecial robot laboratory certified by China NDRC and the national technology center certified by national government,also has 4 MW driven product laboratory which is the one of largest in Asia, and sets the workstation foracademicians.Focusing on the special robot as a core technology, the company is committed to high-end intelligent equipmentmanufacturing. At the end of 2015, the company starts to mass production of special robots. Nowadays, the companyhas become the most competitive special robot industrial base inChina. Automation will be the permanenttopic of our company. We insist on independent innovation and sustainable innovation, mutual developmentand common prosperity, trying to build the best leading company of intelligent equipment with core competent inChina.
展位号 W2000